Simple and efficient
The FLAP & TRIM ready-made solution is perfect to easily access and control the following data:
- Flap and Trim
- Rudder angle
- 4 tank levels (fresh water, grey water, waste water and fuel)
Naviop Flap & Trim is fully scalable on the new high brightness Genius 7G display: from small boats to bigger ones, the advantages in navigation are well known. After a malfunction detection, the acoustic signal for the alarm (buzzer) is activated and the status icon for the “alarms” button becomes flashing red.
Through the screen it is possible to display the current levels of the on-board tanks, all with the digital value indication and a coloured bar to know immediatly the tanks’ content. f the screens are not easily readable, for example, due to poor ambient lighting conditions, it is possible to activate the high contrast viewing mode simply acting on Setup Page.
For further technical information on the Flap&Trim Ready-made solution, please refer to the technical data sheets.